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(VIDEO) 4 Injured at Bil’in Demonstration

Greek-Chilean shot in head and leg with rubber-coated steel bullets
by the ISM Media Crew

Video filmed by Emad Bornat

For 28 months, Palestinians from the West Bank village of Bil’in have been joined by Israeli and international solidarity activists to non-violently protest the confiscation of Palestinian land and Israel’s Apartheid Wall.

Iyad, head of the Bil’in popular committee, kicked in the groin by Israeli soldiers, Photo by Jonas

Today, before reaching their destination at the Wall, the Israeli army set up a roadblock of razor wire, separating the protesters from the Wall. As demonstrators crossed the razor wire, Occupation soldiers started to throw tear gas and sound grenades.

Immediately, Israeli soldiers kidnapped Mohammad Khatib of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. As more activists arrived at the scene, soldiers became more aggressive and started to push and hit people, including camerapersons and activists.

Iyad, from Bil’in, was kicked in his groin by an Israeli soldier. Iyad fell to the ground in pain. Soldiers hovered above him, preventing other activists from helping, until another soldier took a tear gas canisters and threw it towards Iyad as he lay on the ground.

Martinez, an American activist, said, “They threw the tear gas right into Iyad’s lap. Even the soldiers above Iyad were surprised and had to flee from that spot. Three other activists intervened and helped Iyad from the ground and got him to safety.”

Soldiers continually fired tear gas until most of the demonstrators retreated into the field of olive trees.

As the demonstration made its way further back into the village, soldiers started to fire projectile tear gas cannisters and shoot rubber-coated steel bullets at the demonstrators. Cristian, a Greek-Chilean cameraman was hit with two bullets simultaneously, one in the temple and one in the left leg. Cristian told the ISM, “I’m sure they took aim and shot me purposefully. They were about 25 meters away. I fell down and was knocked unconscious for a few seconds.”

Palestinian medical relief workers loaded Cristian onto the stretcher and tended his wounds.

Issa Mahmoud and Ibrahim Bornat, two other Palestinian activists, were also wounded by rubber bullets, Issa in the leg and Ibrahim in the arm.

Activist shot in arm by rubber-coated steel bullet, photo by Jonas

After regrouping, demonstrators made their way to another location in the Wall. Soldiers redirected their attention to this small crowd of activists, and started to fire rubber bullets and tear gas in their direction. One tear gas canister managed to created a small flame. This then grew into a large fire and quickly spread about 150 meters towards the olive grove. Activists could be seen attempting to extinguish the growing flame with branches of leaves.

Tear gas cannister catches land on fire, Photo by Jonas

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سبعة جرحى في مسيرة بلعين الأسبوعية
احتراق عشرات الدونمات المزروعة بأشجار الزيتون
الجمعة 1\6\2007

خرج أهالي قرية بلعين اليوم بعد صلاة الحمعة في مسيرة حاشدة وقد شارك فيها مجموعة من المتضامنين الدوليين والإسرائيليين ، ورفع المتظاهرون اليافطات المنددة بالاحتلال بالإضافة إلى الأعلام الفلسطينية، وقد جابوا شوارع القرية وهم يرددون الهتافات المنددة ببناء الجدار والمستوطنات ،وعند اقترابهم من منطقة الجدار حيث كان الجيش مكمنا هناك، وقد منع المتظاهرين من عبور الأسلاك الشائكة التي وضعها على الشارع المؤدي إلى الجدار وهدد باطلاق النار على كل من يجتازه ، وحين محاولة المتظاهرين العبور بدأ باطلاق القنابل الغازية والصوتية والرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط ؛مما أدى إلى إصابة سبعة متظاهرين بينهم متضامن دولي من اليونان يدعى كرسيان، أما بقية المصابين فهم الطفل طلال مصطفى الخطيب ،إياد برناط رئيس اللجنة الشعبية ، عيسى محمود عيسى أبو رحمة، إبراهيم عبدالفتاح برناط وشقيقه راني ، سمير سليمان ياسين .

من جهة أخرى تم اعتقال ثلاثة من أعضاء اللجنة الشعبية وهم : محمد الخطيب ،راتب أبو رحمة، عبد الفتاح برناط ، حيث تم احتجازهم لعدة ساعات قبل الافراج عنهم وقد تم وضعهم تحت أشعة الشمس الحارة . هذا وقد داهمت قوات الاحتلال يوم أمس الأول القرية وقامت بتفتيش منزل هيثم الخطيب واعتقلت شقيقه سعد محمد جمال الخطيب (24)سنة .

من ناحية أخرى ونتيجة استخدام الجيش المفرط لقنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع تم احراق عشرات الدونمات المزروعة بأشجار الزيتون التي تعود ملكيتها لكل من : محمد إبراهيم أبو رحمة ، صالح الخطيب وابنه فيصل .

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